by Putu Meiyanto
Business on the Internet where the heck is aliases do not cheat? This is the core question of Faith and also mas may question all of us. What is certain online MLM and pyramid-shaped social gathering money can not be trusted. Even if we get the profit from that process, there are dozens, hundreds or even thousands of people under the root of our detriment. What about other Internet business? Let's discuss.
We can conclude that the business on the Internet is actually composed of two types, namely the business of selling products on the Internet and advertising business by becoming a publisher on the Internet. Both are complete I peeled off in the following explanation.
Businesses selling products as usual, just use the Internet to display products, arrange booking and payment system online. Usually referred to as e-commerce. For example, Amazon.Com which sells books, CDs, software and other products on the Internet. Example in Indonesia is Bhinneka.Com, which provides computers and peripheral products that allow transactions over the Internet. Businesses can also be done by individuals, for example, a programmer who sell their own applications, templates, themes, modules, and plugins that he developed, through his personal website. Usually the seller using e-commerce systems like zencart and oscommerce which in addition features a product catalog, also allows online payment with payment gateways like paypal,, etc.. Once again that the products sold could be, books, magazines, ebook, software, documents, furniture, electronics, computers, cellphones, etc..
This is the kind of business on the Internet that are loved by many people, and in it I might as well;). Capital is relatively small, because we only need to charge for the domain, hosting and web site. In fact we can use a free blog or a web service used to start our business from small. The most important thing in this business is IDE in building a website or blog and its contents. Web sites or blogs that we build must be unique, anti-crowd (not many other people did), and should be able to attract Internet users to visit it. In other words, we should be able to choose a high traffic site, because this is where the power of the Internet business of this type. The higher traffic to our site, the higher the income we receive as more and more advertisers who want to advertise on our site.
In America, there is Joel Comm, author of the book Adsense Secrets that could result in an average 500 USD per day or Ken Calhoun could get $ 300,000 per year with DayTradingUniversity.Com site. Let us remember that such major sites as well Friendster.Com life of the business became publisher of this ad. What about Indonesia? There are big names such as Cosa Aranda who was said to have earned more than 5000 USD per month from the publisher ad business on the Internet.
Ok what kind of business ads on the Internet this publisher?
Program where website owners or blog will get a commission (or gift) in case of transactions between the company owner of the program to buyers of products advertised by the site owner or blog. Amazon.Com has an affiliate program (affiliate programs) is quite famous. We live register and advertise products on the Amazon.Com web site or blog. We'll get a commission (percentage of commission depending on the product) if there are people buying products Amazon.Com through our site. Several other companies that provide affiliate programs are:
Program where website owners or blog to earn money by advertising from the program owner. Large sum of money received depends on the regulations made by the owner of the program. This type of advertising program could cost per 1000 impressions (CPM) or Pay Per Click (PPC). So different from the affiliate program, the advertising program is the money received is not based on transactions that have been done, but based on the number of ads aired aka impression (CPM) or the number of clicks on the ads (PPC) done by visitors to our site.
Examples of companies that have a CPM program is and While based PPC is Google Adsense, which is currently a favorite advertising program for Internet businesses in the world. Other companies that have service advertising programs include the following:
Direct Advertising is also developing systems where we are the owner of the website or blog does not use the services of advertising companies, but we own a direct hunting and manage ads., and banner advertising services systems in other news portal is one example of Direct Advertising. Direct Advertising is also starting to bloom conducted individually by the bloggers who have a high bertraffic blog site. I had tried to Direct Advertising for my personal blog site, although I eventually loose again because I think it really is not very "elegant" advertisements on a personal blog site. Not elegant I mean here is, less clean design and I am disturbed by fear of independence blog advertising products related to opinions that I wrote. With the development time, hopefully someday I can live with that: D But I still apply the Direct Advertising at another site that I built.
It should be noted that each company has its own rules and mechanisms for the advertiser and publisher ad. We must examine the various rules that they pour in the form of Term of Service (ToS) before we follow the program of a company.
Interested to follow play in this Internet business? I will discuss in detail the various Internet business that I have introduced over the next article. At least I started the business programs on the internet that I have lived and managed to get income.Follow along this series of articles.
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